My christmas blog. I min julblogg även om andra fester och traditioner. All photos are my own. Wabi sabi = konsten att njuta av det ofullkomliga.

5 juni 2013

Önskegåva från England!

En vän skickade bland annat en intressant dvd-serie om engelska författare, deras historia, deras hem, trädgård, bibliotek: Rural Britain - A Novel Approach with Liam Dale. D.H. Lawrence, Brontë-systrar, George Eliot, Thomas Hardy, Charles Dickens och Jane Austen. Jag har alltid drömt om en litterär resa!

4 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

I hope you enjoy the travel in the reading chair!


Hanneles bokparadis sa...

Lesley, it has been my little dream to travel in my reading chair, now you have helped me to fulfill the dream. Thanks so much!

Anonym sa...

You are very welcome. Without even knowing you have helped me rediscover my love of reading, I am so glad I discovered your blog.
Love Lesley.

Hanneles bokparadis sa...

I also have more time to read now that the kids are great, grandchildren also love books :)